Gunter Connert Leiter Direktvertrieb bei Colfax Fluid Handling

Gunter Connert

Radolfzell/Germany – 6.6.2013. Seit Anfang März leitet Gunter Connert den Direktvertrieb Power & Industry von Colfax Fluid Handling, einem Geschäftsbereich der Colfax Corporation (NYSE: CFX) in EMEA (Europa, Mittlerer Osten und Afrika).

Als Leiter Direktvertrieb ist Gunter Connert bei Colfax Fluid Handling für den Geschäftsbereich Power & Industry verantwortlich. In Europa betreut Colfax Fluid Handling Kunden in Deutschland, Benelux, Groß Britannien und Finnland direkt. In allen anderen Ländern nutzt Colfax ein dichtes Netzwerk regionaler Distributoren und Vertriebspartnern. Der Dienstsitz von G. Connert ist bei der Allweiler GmbH in Radolfzell. Neben Allweiler gehören die Unternehmen Houttuin BV (Utrecht, NL), IMO Pumps (Monroe, USA) und Warren Pumps LLC (Warren, USA) zum Geschäftsbereich Power & Industry von Colfax Fluid Handling.

Nach Abschluss seines Wirtschaftsingenieurstudiums an der Universität Karlsruhe begann G. Connert seine berufliche Laufbahn bei Voith Turbo. Anschließend war er für den Anlagenbauer Eisenmann in Deutschland und in den USA tätig. Bevor G. Connert für Colfax Fluid Handling tätig wurde, arbeitete er als Geschäftsführer der MAG Switzerland AG in Schaffhausen (CH).

Colfax Corporation – Colfax Corporation is a diversified global manufacturing and engineering company that provides gas- and fluid-handling and fabrication technology products and services to commercial and governmental customers around the world under the Howden, Colfax Fluid Handling and ESAB brands. Colfax believes that its brands are among the most highly recognized in each of the markets that it serves. Colfax is traded on the NYSE under the ticker “CFX.” Additional information about Colfax is available at

Colfax Fluid Handling- Colfax Fluid Handling, a business of Colfax Corporation (NYSE: CFX), is a global leader in critical fluid-handling and transfer solutions for the commercial marine, defense, oil & gas, power and industry and total lubrication management markets. With a broad portfolio of technologies, products, systems and services and a deep base of application and engineering expertise, Colfax specialists work with customers to understand and focus on their toughest business challenges. As a result, Colfax can find and deliver the best customer solutions that provide the highest levels of reliability, efficiency and longevity with the lowest total cost of ownership. Colfax Fluid Handling encompasses the trusted product brands Allweiler®, COT-PURITECHSM, Houttuin™, Imo®, LSCSM, Rosscor®, Tushaco®, and Warren®.

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NOTICE ON FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements concerning Colfax”s plans, objectives, expectations and intentions and other statements that are not historical or current facts. Forward-looking statements are based on Colfax”s current expectations and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause Colfax”s results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to factors detailed in Colfax”s reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as well as its Annual Report on Form 10-K under the caption “Risk Factors”. In addition, these statements are based on a number of assumptions that are subject to change. This press release speaks only as of this date. Colfax disclaims any duty to update the information herein. The term “Colfax” in reference to the activities described in this press release may mean one or more of Colfax”s global operating subsidiaries and/or their internal business divisions and does not necessarily indicate activities engaged in by Colfax Corporation.

Allweiler GmbH
Manfred Schulz
Allweilerstr. 1
78315 Radolfzell
+49 (0)7732 86-515

TennCom AG
Dr. Kurt Christian Tennstädt
Hohentwielstr. 4a
78315 Radolfzell
07732 – 95 39 30

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