Independent provider of operation management for PV systems at Intersolar Europe, booth B3.376

Intersolar 2017: Raising Power showcases full-service package for legally compliant system operation

Raising Power monitors PV systems worldwide in the control center in Augsburg. (Bildquelle: @ Raising Power)

Augsburg, May 23, 2017. Raising Power GmbH showcases its service package for the technical operation management of PV systems with a focus on the DGUV ordinance 3 at this year’s Intersolar Europe in Munich. At booth 376 in hall B3, visitors to the trade fair will learn comprehensive solutions that Raising Power has been designing for system operation and operator responsibilities. Another highlight at the booth will be the 360° virtual reality control center, which demonstrates how Raising Power carries out technical operation management of PV systems worldwide from the company’s location in Augsburg.

Photovoltaic systems, like other electrical installations, are subject to legal regulations regarding system safety. In order to ensure adherence to these requirements over the entire service life, technical operation management is increasingly focusing on legally compliant system operation according to DGUV ordinance 3. The accident prevention regulation “Electrical installations and equipment” defines the type and intervals of the required recurring tests. “Improper operation and negligence when it comes to DGUV tests may result in legal consequences,” explains Michele Rascher, Managing Director of Raising Power. “It is therefore sensible for system owners and operators to partner with a professional service provider such as Raising Power over the operation management. We assume system responsibility with qualified personnel and carry out the DGUV tests.”

Comprehensive service for OEM service providers
Raising Power offers comprehensive solutions for taking over system operation, from the full-service package to individually tailored services. “We even offer our customers to assume complete operator responsibility”, explains Michele Rascher. “This allows them to focus on their core tasks, without worrying that system operation will not be carried out properly or according to regulations at any point.” The operators will benefit from the connection to the Raising Power operations center: “We map their entire processes and monitor the relevant systems in our control center in Augsburg,” says the Managing Director. In addition, the portfolio of the independent operation management provider also includes service support to the components manufacturers such as inverters, the monitoring providers, as well as extended services for sales.

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Continuous expansion of the Raising Power network
The Raising Power network consists of registered certified service partners, who are working for the technical operation management provider all around the globe. They carry out maintenance work and repairs of PV systems and rectify faults. Thanks to locally based service technicians, who are automatically enlisted via a software solution when needed, Raising Power can guarantee extremely quick reaction times. Using a newly developed app, the service technicians are connected to the Raising Power network, which makes operation management fast, efficient, and thus cost-effective. Raising Power is continuously expanding the network to provide the service with maximum efficiency and high quality worldwide. Interested technicians can get information about requirements and the registration process as a service partner at the booth.

Please visit Raising Power for more information and demos at booth B3.376 at Intersolar Europe in Munich from May 31 to June 2, 2017.

Raising Power, with headquarters in Augsburg, Germany is an independent provider of technical operations management for renewable energy plants of any size. The company is a global player with more than 1.500 systems under contract worldwide. Raising Power is also a specialist when it comes to repowering existing energy plants. The end-to-end service portfolio addresses the needs of investors, PV plant builders and operators as well as manufacturers and end customers. Raising Power GmbH is a member company of SFCE Shunfeng International Clean Energy Limited. Further information:

Raising Power GmbH
Michèle Rascher
Gögginger Str. 93
86199 Augsburg
+49 821 268416-00
+49 821 268416-99

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epr-elsaesser public relations
Andrea Schneider
Maximilianstraße 50
86150 Augsburg
0821-4508 7918