More and more headlines point to the dramatic situation in the health systems in German speaking countries in Europe



An interview with the founder of a forward-looking company alliance.

Innovative ideas are needed

The healthcare systems in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are facing enormous challenges. The acute shortage of doctors and specialists, particularly in GP care, combined with an ageing population and the increasing number of lifestyle diseases, is putting the healthcare systems under massive pressure. At the same time, high bureaucratic requirements and the immense administrative burden place a strain on the work of doctors and specialist staff, tying up valuable resources.

Funding problems, inefficient structures and a systematic inertia that is difficult to adapt to changing circumstances further exacerbate the situation. Despite many innovative approaches and good individual solutions, there is a lack of comprehensive coordination and a common thread that brings the many initiatives together in a meaningful way.

Doctors in German-speaking countries are worried: more and more bureaucracy, more and more patients with fewer and fewer doctors…

The medical sector lacks a turbo boost

Digitalisation, which is seen as the key to solving many problems in healthcare, is also being held back by bureaucratic hurdles and strict data protection requirements. Data protection in particular, which is strictly regulated in the D-A-CH region, often hinders the introduction and widespread use of digital healthcare solutions, such as electronic patient records or telemedicine services. Lengthy authorisation procedures and complex coordination processes are required here, which slow down progress and inhibit innovation potential.

Lack of efficiency paralyses progress

Another major problem is the lack of or inefficient processes within the healthcare system. These processes often harbour undiscovered potential that could help to relieve the burden and increase efficiency, but remain unused due to a lack of structure and flexibility. Better processes could cut administrative costs and reduce the workload of doctors and nursing staff, which in turn would lead to improved patient care.

Increasing competition for medical professionals

Quo vadis health systems in German-speaking countries?

At the same time, industrialised nations are increasingly competing for healthcare professionals. In this ‘battle for talent’, the integration of migrant professionals is becoming a key challenge. Cultural and language barriers, lengthy recognition procedures and a lack of support during induction make the process more difficult and prevent urgently needed specialists from being quickly and effectively integrated into the healthcare system. This is where targeted advice and support is needed for healthcare providers who rely on the deployment of international specialists

This advice should be promoted or subsidised in order to facilitate entry and minimise the bureaucratic burden. In addition, innovative approaches to recruiting skilled workers from abroad are necessary to improve access to qualified labour and overcome the shortage of skilled workers in the long term.

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Close cooperation between all parties involved would be a milestone

More than ever, close cooperation is needed to meet these complex challenges. Only by forming strong alliances and cross-border cooperation can we adequately meet the requirements of modern healthcare systems in the D-A-CH region.

These alliances must specifically promote innovation, pool knowledge and jointly develop solutions that sustainably secure the future of the healthcare system.

A visionary in the service of health in dialogue

In the following interview, we talk to the founder of this alliance about the most pressing challenges, the untapped potential and how coordinated, global and hybrid solutions can bring about change in the healthcare system.


Jürgen Gums is a graduate in business administration and has been active as a health and business consultant for more than 25 years

Oliver Gaebe,

Mr Gums, thank you for taking the time for this interview. Why did you found ‘Solutions for Health’?

Jürgen Gums, Solutions for Health:

Thank you very much for the invitation. Founding ‘Solutions for Health’ was a very personal decision for me. At the age of 30, I was a successful management consultant until a misguided appendectomy dramatically changed my life. Due to severe complications, including sepsis and multiple organ failure, I spent months in a coma.

This experience left a lasting impression on me. My survival was seen as a medical miracle and I realised that I had a new mission: to help the healthcare system and support all those who work in it, after all, each of us is a patient and our health is at stake.

Through years of advising doctors, clinics and politicians, as well as countless discussions with experts, I recognised the weaknesses, but also the potential of the system.

From this experience and with the help of a large number of leading experts from the fields of health and medicine, business administration, law and taxes as well as science, research and politics, the ‘Solutions for Health’ alliance was created to support doctors, nursing staff, clinics and patients with holistic solutions and to strengthen the healthcare system in the long term.

Oliver Gaebe:

Can you briefly explain to us what the core competences of ‘Solutions for Health’ are?

Jürgen Gums:

‘Solutions for Health’ is an alliance of five independent companies and an international network of experts and partners who work together to develop solutions to strengthen and stabilise our healthcare system. Our motto is: ‘Expertise that complements each other’. By working closely together, we offer sustainable and adaptable solutions that cover various areas of the healthcare system. These include prevention, diagnostics, treatment and, in particular, the topics of securing skilled staff, digitalisation and the coordination of isolated solutions.

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A central element of our work is advising and supporting stakeholders in the healthcare sector. We also focus on innovative approaches to recruiting specialist staff and develop solutions that work both digitally and analogue. Synergy effects play an important role here – they help us to link the many existing individual solutions and utilise them efficiently.

Oliver Gaebe:

Why did you decide to become active in the D-A-CH region?

Solutions for Health Founder Jürgen Gums: ‘With the right measures, we can also maintain our healthcare systems in the long term…’

Jürgen Gums:

The D-A-CH region is one of the most advanced healthcare markets in the world and is known for its high standards of innovation and quality. At the same time, these countries face similar challenges to other industrialised nations: an acute shortage of skilled workers, an ageing population and increasing demands on medical care. This is precisely where our solutions come in. We believe that we can make an important contribution to stabilising these healthcare systems by strengthening and optimising existing structures and integrating innovative approaches.

Oliver Gaebe:

What specific solutions does ‘Solutions for Health’ offer that are particularly relevant for the D-A-CH region?

Jürgen Gums:

Our approaches focus primarily on two key challenges: the shortage of skilled workers in the medical professions and the optimisation of existing healthcare structures. For example, we have developed a unique concept called ‘Medical Scouting’, which enables us to recruit urgently needed specialist staff in a targeted manner – both nationally and internationally. This process is legally compliant and guarantees that vacancies are filled precisely.
We have also launched the ‘Medical Manager’ system.

These medical managers act as a link between healthcare providers and our alliance in their respective regions. They support doctors, clinics and care facilities with customised solutions, such as our binational ‘Active Scouting’ or innovative concepts for practice succession. The Medical Manager’s coordinating function relieves the burden on specialist staff and thus creates more space for medical care.

Oliver Gaebe:

Telemedicine and digitalisation are key topics in the healthcare sector. How does ‘Solutions for Health’ provide support in this area?

Jürgen Gums:

Telemedicine offers enormous potential to make medical care more efficient – especially in rural regions. We promote start-ups that develop innovative healthcare solutions and support them in realising their projects. One example of this is digital platforms that connect patients and doctors, regardless of geographical distance.

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We see digitalisation as a great opportunity to simplify processes, conserve resources and improve the quality of care. However, it is crucial that these technologies are well integrated into existing structures and fulfil data protection requirements. This is where we provide both strategic advice and practical support.

Oliver Gaebe:

How do you see the future of ‘Solutions for Health’ in the D-A-CH region?

Jürgen Gums:

Jürgen Gums: “We see ourselves as supporters of the people and institutions involved in the health care systems and as coordinators and developers of innovative solutions for the D-A-CH region.”

‘We see ourselves as a supporter of the people and institutions involved in the healthcare sector and as a coordinator and developer of innovative solutions’

The demographic development and the associated growing demand for care and medical treatment will place great demands on healthcare systems in the coming years. I am convinced that our solutions have come at exactly the right time. Our approaches are aimed at relieving the pressure on existing structures and at the same time breaking new ground – whether through the recruitment of specialists from abroad or through digital innovations.

Another important aspect is close collaboration with healthcare institutions, political decision-makers and other stakeholders. Only through strong partnerships and alliances can we overcome the most pressing challenges in the long term. Our aim is to create an integrated, future-proof healthcare system that not only responds to current problems, but is also equipped for future developments.

Oliver Gaebe:

Thank you very much for the interview, Mr Gums. We look forward to seeing more of ‘Solutions for Health’ in the D-A-CH region.

Jürgen Gums:

Thank you very much, Mr Gaebe. I am delighted to be able to share our vision and I am confident that we can achieve a lot together.

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Who visited ‘Solutions for Health’ and conducted the interview?

In the dialogue, Mr Gums (left) explained how the healthcare system should develop

Author Oliver Gaebe. Bellacoola Filmproduction UG ( has become known as an experienced film production company with excellent references. Tourism and travelling are the main focus. A few years ago, an ‘Economy’ department was added, which deals with the reasons for the significant decline in the competitiveness of German industry. You can use this press release – even in a modified or abridged form – free of charge on your website with a source link to our homepage.

Press contact details:

BellaCoola Film Production UG (limited liability)
Oliver Gaebe
Eythstr. 10
D-51103 Cologne

E-mail: bellacoola-liefert(at)
Tel: +491796004547

Image rights with Solutions for Health