Credit Card – Merchant Services
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Smart Acquiring Solution- Online Credit Card Processing

E-press NY 11/28/2014
Credit Card processing 2.0! Costumer Fraud – Affliate Fraud- Thats the the topic which every online merchant need to be concerned when it comes to an online purchase.

It can be challenging to find the time, an adequate credit card processing solution for your adult entertainment or high risk business. Some acquiring banks are hesitant to accept adult merchants because of the legal age restrictions and controversial content, and fees usually run high for adult merchant accounts.

Online fraud is a significant concern for Acquirer Consumers and Merchants. Whether it is from stolen credit cards or identity theft, affliate fraud, the repercussions of fraudulent activity can have a big impact in business.

A high chargeback volume, rates associated with credit fraud can often result in financial losses through incurred penalties or issued refunds.

If the credit card schemes determine chargeback rates become too high, they can but in most cases they are going to blacklist the merchant, preventing it from ever being able to accept credit cards again. Such action could certainly affect merchants business operations.

One of the top leading and popular European Payment Service Provider offers direct merchant account solutions, that fits your needs in the e-commerce world.
Global Humax”s trusted network of international acquiring banks allows to find a perfect solution for a wide range of e-commerce including adult, digital goods and high risk businesses.

One of the biggest challenges are the Merchant Fraud Protections for any Payment Service Provider.

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Global Humax’s has teamed up with one of the leading online processing supplier in the US to provide one of the latest fraud prevention technology to its costumers and merchants, world wide.

The Global Humax payment gateway, credit card processing platform include an advanced fraud protection tool, to minimize merchants overall exposure to credit card chargebacks. The new technology of pre-authorization system that applies to different checks and reviews all transactions before the banks or credit card companies ever see them. Since haveing these tactics and systems in place, risk rates are kept below the credit card scheme requirements.

The SMART Acquiring Solution overview

EASY and QUICK approval process
– Payment Gateway PCI DSS
Risk Management
Direct Merchant Account
Fraud Prevention -New technology
Fast approval / 3rd party billing solution
Accept online VISA and MasterCard and all major credit cards
Merchant Interface Overview Live Transactions, Reports.
Virtual Terminal-Moto (Mail/Phone Order )
Subscribers / Membership sites
No hidden fees

Join us today

Global Humax ist eine der führenden Providergesellschaft für die Implementierung von Co Branding Kreditkarten. Als europäischer Payment Service Provider bietet Global Humax zudem seinen Kunden, Online Kreditkarten Zahlungsakzeptanzen. Zu den Kunden zählen Online Gaming Portale, sowie TV Sender Discovery Channel / DMAX, IMTV und Austria9

Global Humax Cyprus Ltd
Samuel Eigner
61-63 Lord Byron Street
6023 Larnaka
0044-20 32 87 4615

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