Tea Glass by amapodo #TEAFAVS

Tea-Glass @work

Double-hulled amapodo Tea-Glass with tea strainer and genuine bamboo cap

TEAFAVS Tea Glass by amapodo is a good example for the perfect quintessence of delight, aesthetics and modern lifestyle. Using only one tool you are prepared for all stages for the preparation of the tea and every challenge of the day. In light of the stylish design even coffee drinkers acquire the taste and can be persuaded for taking part at a tea time.

Clean Styling for maximum functionality

On the first glimpse the TEAFAVS Tea Glass by amapodo appears to be surprisingly puristic. Exactly this minimalism harmonizes in a wonderful way with current trends and directs the concern to the Thermo-Tea-Bottle for your stylish tea time. Once you have a more intensive look on the multitalent the many clever details reveal themselves which are making the TEAFAVS Thermo Tea Glass being a desirable companion for all tea enthusiasts. The glass has a two-piece strainer made of stainless steel, you can bring its components into play jointly or solitary.

In many respects the cap made of bamboo stands the test.

The tea maker can be closed so that the hot drink doesn”t cool down. Additionally there is no argument against just stow away the Tea-Togo-Glass into the working bag for enjoying a Tea-ToGo on the way. At home, on the way and perfectly at the workplace. The double-hulled TEAFAVS Tea Glass keeps the temperature of the beverage at a comfortable level without getting hot on the outside. The clever Tea Bottle by amapodo contains handsome 450 ml of tea. If nevertheless there is the desire for additional supply of tea there is no obstacle against this wish. The concept of TEAFAVS Thermo Tea Cup allows you to make several re-steeps of tea during the day. Thus you are supplied from breakfast to closing time with tea – without having to make considerable precautions for that. In light of the many features coffee drinkers will regret that they are not taking pleasure during a tea time. There is really no cause for that due to the fact that the TEAFAVS Glass by amapodo is also suitable for hot drinks with roasted beans.

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Die Idee zur Gründung des amapodo.com Onlineshops kam dem leidenschaftlichen Teetrinker und Geschäftsführer der azobit GmbH , Michel Walther, schon viele Jahre zuvor. Die ersten Artikel im Shop sind Teegläser, welche auf Reisen durch die Welt entdeckt und später direkt nach Europa importiert wurden. Was aus einer fixen Idee entstand, wird nun zu einem Onlineshop mit dem ersten selbst entworfenen und produzierten Produkt, dem doppelwandigen Thermo-Teeglas Modell #TEAFAVS. Vor allem die Füllmenge begeistert den Gründer von amapodo : Mit fast einem halben Liter Volumen, ist das Teeglas der ideale Begleiter im Büro oder der Freizeit. Solche großen Teebereiter gibt es eher selten.

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